1. International Congress on Ecstatic States
Phenomenon - Experience - Healing
23. – 25. May 2008 at Hannover Medical School, Hannover (Germany)
(pre-congress workshops at Thursday afternoon and Friday morning)
Organized by
Hannover Medical School
Dept. for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Assistant Professor Torsten Passie M.D., M.A.
Professor Hinderk M. Emrich M.D., PhD.
German College for Transpersonal Psychology (DKTP)
Professor Wilfried Belschner PhD., University of Oldenburg
Charles T. Tart
Christian Scharfetter
Andrzej Kokoszka
Thomas Metzinger
Stanley Krippner
Hinderk M. Emrich
and many others
Since prehistoric times, ecstatic experiences have influenced the
worldview and individual awareness of man. In former times they
even occupied a central position in cultural development, as still
can be observed today in the Far East and in so-called primitive
societies. In occidental history, ecstatic experiences were more
and more demonized and marginalized. However, even today they are
significant in regard to religious practices, somatic and psychological
borderland experiences, sexuality, youth culture and psychotherapy.
Ecstatic experiences are often of great intensity and psychological
power. They can purify and transform human beings, change their
perspectives and values, give life another meaning, and unfold healing
effects. This makes them interesting for a spiritually oriented
For hundreds of years, scientific research has been looking at
ecstatic experiences mainly as marginal borderland phenomenon of
psychological life. Simultaneously in the Far East, whole cultures
are striving to reach these „higher“ states of consciousness.
Last but not least, they owe their different worldview and self-experience
tothe above. Since the 1970s, the humanistic and later the transpersonal
psychology have been discovering the connections of ecstatic „Peak-Experiences“
and psychotherapeutic processes and psychological health.
For this Congress we were able to enlist a range of internationally
renowned experts in the field who will consider the phenomenon of
ecstasy on the conceptual, experimental and practical level in its
psychological, neurobiological, cultural and transcultural dimensions
and will elucidate its potentially healing effects.
Psychosocial workers
other Scientists and interested laymen
Number of participants:
300 – 350 Persons
Congress languages:
German + English (major parts are translated simultaneously)
Congress fees:
280 € / 180€ (reduced price for students and unemployed persons)
Registration formular >>
Further information:
SHORT CUTS design & kommunikation, Berlin |